Friday, October 21, 2005

Ok, so I also visit a blog called
Recently she made a post Pyscho of the Day where she was describing a jackass troll who was attempting to sexually blackmail her into having relations with him. His profile can be found here- Quantum_42 Note the EGO phrases on it...Pretty funny stuff!

Pretty laughable stuff, because Nikki is the LAST person who would be intimidated by a jackass like this. She urged all who wanted to to contact this guy and call him out on his bullshit, so I cheerfully complied. The following is a copy of that conversation:

(Note that my handle is twolf1920 in my signature RED and for this guy I have chosen his name under BULLSHIT BROWN and his words would be just PURE BULLSHIT. My CURRENT thought on it are in blue

Here's the IM I sent him after hearing what a DICK he was to my friend-It was NOT incendiary, and you will note I wasn't as inflammatory as I could have been.

twolf1920: You should lay off the blonde gal from Michigan (Nikki). I know MANY people in the FBI and Military, and can report you for the harassment you have decided to inflict upon her. Consider this a friendly warning!
(Of course this is bullshit-I have NOONE I know in the FBI or the Military that can do jacksprat about any of this, but HE doesn't know it!)
quantum_42: I am a Federal Agent
twolf1920: whatever
quantum_42: also a Navy Seal
(Maybe you wore a seal suit and played horns in the circus?)
twolf1920: In your dreams pal
quantum_42: I am classified
(As a complete PYSCHO in the dictionary)
quantum_42: alright
quantum_42: you are busted
quantum_42: I will issue a federal warrant
(Sure you will pal-First you will leave an electronic trail of harassment for ALL to see, then you will have those you HARASSED arrested because you have these GODLIKE government POWERS...Oh wait..That's right..Its ALL IN YOUR MIND!!!)
twolf1920: BRING IT
quantum_42: for solisitation of prostittion
(for what? Your spelling is worse than mine oh great one)
twolf1920: You should be seen by a psychiatrist
quantum_42: I also have my PHD
(Yeah I can tell you have a PHD by your AMAZING grammatical skills)
twolf1920: LMAO
quantum_42: hey fat boy
(Ouch that one hurt...NOT!)
quantum_42: bring it on
twolf1920: Keep it coming-This is great entertainment
twolf1920: have a nice day fuckface!
twolf1920: A perfect example of some jackass pimple faced kid that tries to make everyone think he's an adult-I have reported you to yahoo-I hope your "hacker" skills are good!
twolf1920: Now get outta here before I call your mom and tell her to whip yer ass!!!

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