Thursday, October 20, 2005

More Observations

Why do motorists get mad at bicycles? Maybe one reason is because 8 out of 10 think they don't have to obey the traffic laws. That number is based on me actually COUNTING what bicycles I have observed at traffic lights do when faced with a red light, or stopsign. That's right. 8 out of 10 will run it before it turns green!!! As a former lawbreaker myself, I was guilty as charged, but after a few near misses, I have changed my ways. For the past 3 months, I have strived to obey all rules of the road. I have found that I have had fewer run-ins with Jackasses on the road, and have really lost little if ANY time on my rides by doing so.

AND I have seen MANY near misses by Bicylists almost getting hit by cars. I would say I have seen about 4 almost tragedies. NOW-here's a scary thought: THEY WERE ALL DUE TO BICYLISTS BREAKING LAWS.

Summation: Its OUR responsibility to be part of the SOLUTION. If we as bicycles wish there to be change, we need to start with our OWN conduct FIRST.

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