Friday, March 09, 2007

Cure is worse than the disease...Why would a doctor prescribe a statin drug AGAIN when the first course had debilitating side effects?

Maybe Angel JR can talk about this. I was an IDIOT to do it, but since my numbers are so high, i tried it. The first time I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and triglycerides, I was prescribed LIPITOR. I had serious muscle pain and weakness almost immediately, and i got off of it. Thats was a year ago. I DID cut down on SOME things diet wise, but was NOT very disciplined, so therefore the numbers were not better a year later.

So my Doctor, in his INFINITE wisdom prescribed YET ANOTHER statin drug. Guess what? This one made me ill immediately, and came to a head last nigh when I experienced chest pain, leg back and arm cramps, abdominal pain and the return of Acid Reflux that I had thought was cured last year.

NOW WHAT? The drug companies claim about 3% (THERES THAT FRIGGING NUMBER AGAIN!!!) suffer from the side effects, but further research indicates some doctors have the numbers more like 30%. It appears that there are (non-FDA) natural treatments out there such as Red Yeast Rice, Fish Oil and CoQ10 supplements. I may have to investigate that route.


Ice said...

I've been calling you for lunch for 20 minutes, now I've burnt it!...

Ketchup, mustard, onions and pickles?

tkkerouac said...

love the lettering in this post, how'd you do this.
Good luck with getting the meds right, it will take patience,

twolf1920 said...

Actually its called I am not taking em. 2 courses are enough for me!

twolf1920 said...

My faith in medical science are rapidly diminishing!

Ice said...

Am I fucked, or is that 'title' all fucked up?


Ice said...

Dessert?? teeheheehheheee, don't get dizzy when ya come over to my place...

Ice said...

Hmmm, should we be concerned? You've been M.I.A for a few days now... Hope all is ok :)

tkkerouac said...

yes, checking to see if your alive and well.

Ice said...

Geez... this isnt like him(not like I know what is, I've 'known' him blogger styles for a short week, week and a half?)

But seriously... with this whole health thingie, got me a little concerned...

Mr. Shife said...

Well I hope they can find something to help your cause. I know how frustrating it can be when you expect a physician to give you good advice and care and they do just the opposite.
I saw 300 by the way and it is glorious.

jamwall said...

what the fuck's the deal with these doctors man? you go in for a procedure (which was a good risk to take--regardless, you're doing something about it) and they give you these clown drugs. WTF?

i'm not a natural treatment guy. i probably should be though. but sounds like you've got the right idea looking into that.

good luck man!

Rebecca said...

where have you been..starting to worry. hope your ok

JM said...

I'm sorry that you suffered some of the side effects.
I hope that you get better too.

twolf1920 said...

Thanks everyone! I love all of you my blogger friends!