Thursday, February 15, 2007

Heart Palpatation Mystery FINALLY solved!
I have what is known as Supraventricular Tachycardia which is basically areas in the heart where an electrical impulse "Short Circuits" the heart causing the palpatations. I will be having a procedure known as as known as Catheter Ablation . This is basically where they basically "close the bridge" in the places where the electrical impulse is short-circuiting. Its a pretty simple procedure that SHOULD CURE my palpations!!! I am trying to get in ASAP. The complications are supposed to be rare and few, and the success rate is around 98%. I like those odds!

Here is whats supposed to happen:

What to expect during the operation

The Risks are minimal, and the rewards are pretty likely that I will be free of these accursed palpatations! I will let everyone know when and where its gonna happen!


tkkerouac said...

now I understand!

Spinning Girl said...

wow, kinda scary-like.