Sunday, November 13, 2005

Above Left-The "I-Go Everywhere" Power Adapter. Ride that wave guys!

The "I-RIVER" MP3 Player-Who are YOU fooling? I can't BELIEVE Ipods Lawyers didn't string you up by your testicles. BTW, an INFERIOR player compared to the IPOD.

I KNOW, I busted em ALL before I bought the IPOD, the ONE and ONLY. You can't crash the IPOD, but you SURE as hell can screw up all the rest. Trust me. I had 4 weeks of busting all kinds of mp3 players beforehand. ALL crashed!

Above-The IJOY Massage Chair
The I-Ripoff Fiasco


"I Joy" to me is a simple round of masturbation followed by a large pizza and a glass of lemonade. Are we THAT uncreative now where we MUST ripoff each other???? I REFUSE to believe that is the case. I believe that our marketing execs are JUST PLAIN LAZY, and are overpaid. I suggest that we take to the streets and find these punks-And commence to kick them all in the crotch with steel toed boots til they all promise to come up with AT LEAST ONE ORIGINAL FUCKING IDEA!!!!


Somebody had to say it!

"I-Fuck Me Sideways"!

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