Alcoholic Suicide Post
I decided to re-print the comment that I think many missed on the Funeral post. It was the last one. It was from my freind "C" who was the Aunt, and the one who adopted "M" the little girl of the woman who killed herself.
If you Bloggers don't think that you make a difference, then think again.
"Hello, everyone. I am the aunt of the little girl and I just want to thank you for all the thoughts you have shared. I have read them over and over again and they ease my soul as I try to recover from this unbelievably difficult situation.
Today I finally had time to catch up to myself after the funeral and I realized I miss my niece's mom terribly. The funeral was so beautiful. I got to hear a side of her her mom I regret I barely got to see, as I was the one chosen to set the boundaries and highlight right from wrong for her daughter's sake. I feel I know her better in death than in life.
I always knew it could be a matter of life and death for her and it made every decision twice as hard to make. I take comfort in the fact that I had many people backing my decisions as I made them. I do feel peace knowing I never once took it lightly. I only spoke to her in anger once, and it is easier to handle knowing, even when I had to set boundaries, I was as kind as I possibly could be.
Even knowing that, I will tell you three things that have changed forever with me.
First, life is really quite simple.... there is a God, he loves us and wants to help us whether we believe in him or not. If we don't want him to help us, he can't and we wind up in pain or dead, as with my niece's mom. It is our choice.
Second, I have no time for petty or serious resentments. They have nothing to do with God's purpose, which is saving us from ourselves and the world(evil)and using us to save others; and essentially those resentments have everything to do with self(and all that implies) and are of no use what so ever.
Third, I pray for everyone now without hesitation, because I know the first two things to be undisputalby true. Good luck to all of you on your journey and may God be with you always. If I have helped anyone by my story, I count all the pain worthwhile. Please use this story to help others"
*Note from twolf-Thanks to all you Bloggers out there that took the time to make comments. It was a little bit of light in that dark time, and you are very appreciated!