Thursday, October 06, 2005

Save a Fish, Hook a Bicyclist PART DEUX
(There is NO escape)

So you see I have learned a few things. I have learned to be careful around people with fishing poles. I have learned what to do in traffic. Where to ride. How to ride safely.

But there is no amount of learning..No amount of knowledge..No amount of BODY ARMOR that can protect you...


No..Not MY parents. Yes, they have had their brain farts as do we all, but for the most part, I was well protected and loved by my parents growing up. They didn't let me do dangerous or stupid things, and if I did, I had my bell rung IMMEDIATELY, and I daresay it was seldom repeated.

And they would have beat my ASS raw if I would have done the following stuff that I am going to relate to you!

This would be describing an unknown woman that should be tarred and feathered in the square and made to wear a duncecap for allowing her rugrats to do the following LUNACY.

YESTERDAY, as I was on the parkway...Thinking I was immune to the fishing poles of the Tom Sawyer wananbes, I see a mother with her 2 kids (they were probably 7-8 years old) standing on the shoulder looking like they are about to toss some sticks across the road.

I was cruising pretty fast...Probably about 21 MPH and when I get closer, I see what they have in their hands.

Ye CATS, they have fishing poles..AND THEY ARE CASTING LINES ACROSS THE PARKWAY RIGHT ACROSS MY PATH!!!!! Now you have to understand, the parkway has cars on it. Its a busy road, so that makes this incident DOUBLY stupid!

WHAT the NETHER HELL??? What's the deal with idiots with fishing poles?!?!?! There is no frigging water anywhere around me!!!

Of course I hit the brakes, but being that I have had some experience, this time I make a safe stop, and proceed to glare at the mother in disgust, and say:

"GREAT IDEA MOM! Lets cast some lines out into a busy street! Hope ya get a BIG one!"

She says NOTHING. Not an apology. NADA. But then I should have expected that from someone who obviously is such a mental giant.

I now understand why sometimes it IS necessary to make your kids do as you SAY, even if (the parent) was a dumbass kid when he/she were young. Maybe Mom believes that her kids should be free to express themselves, and run free...No restraints or restrictions.

Then the children can develop, and reach their MAXIMUM potential, and turn out to be the rocket scientists of tommorow like the two kids who throw fishing lines into traffic..YEAH thats it..THATS the ticket!!!

I wonder what end this experiment was striving towards?

What a load OF CRAP!

Maybe that kind of thinking applies to fingerpaints and coloring books, but not to sharp hooks and 2000 pound cars you silly bitch!

To the mother of this story-In the future PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS DO DANGEROUS AND STUPID THINGS even though YOU are apparently DANGEROUS AND STUPID YOURSELF!!!

In this case, "Do as I say, not as I do" really must apply.

Do you also let them play in traffic? Maybe you encourage them to throw knives and play with fire and gasoline??? Maybe next you should let them fly a plane, or juggle chainsaws.

Stick a fork in me..I am done. I have seen it all, and I can die now.

With more idiots out there, this too may happen!

Moral of the story: EXPECT the unexpected. If I lived to be a thousand years old, I would NEVER have expected this.

I can't make this shit up!

(Horrifying thought: There is still time for more crazy stuff to happen to me out on the trail. But hey, if it didn't happen, there would be no entertainment for us all, would there?)

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