Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Dear Motorists-This is from the Drivers manual all of us who drive should know-So read this:


Bicyclists must signal all turns, lane changes, and stops. They use the same hand and arm signals as motor vehicle drivers. Bicyclists may also hold their right arms straight out until they begin to make a right turn. Bicyclists traveling on public roads should stay as close as possible to the right edge of the road. However, a bicyclist may move further onto the road to pass another vehicle or to prepare to make a left turn.

Motor vehicles should avoid driving in bicycle lanes. Motor vehicles may only enter bicycle lanes to park, to enter or leave the road, or to prepare for a turn. Before crossing a bicycle lane to make a turn, you must make sure it is safe to do so. Yield the right of way to approaching bicycles or vehicles. When the bicycle lane is clear, signal your intention, then move into the bicycle lane before making the turn.

Use caution when passing a bicyclist There should be at least three feet between the side of your vehicle and the bicycle. At faster speeds, your vehicle can create air turbulence that could unbalance a bicycle.

If you are unable to pass a bicyclist safely because the road is too narrow, do not follow too closely and do not frighten the rider by using your horn. Stay at a safe following distance and try to warn the bicyclist of your intention to pass before doing so. If possible, use the lane next to the bicyclist.

Bicycles can be difficult to spot in traffic. Watch for bicyclists in intersections, on sidewalks, and when you enter or leave alleys and driveways.
Some bicycles are not equipped with effective lights or reflectors, which can make riding at night dangerous. Bicyclists who ride at night are required to wear a light, if their bicycle is not equipped with one. Motorists should watch for bicycle traffic at night. Bicyclists should take safety measures to make themselves visible to drivers.


twolf1920 said...

I SWEAR am gonna take a copy of this excerpt and paste it to the forehead of the next asshole who honks belligerantly at me!

Mister Hand said...

I don't ride much myself, but I feel sorry for bicyclists here in my town. There are NO good places to ride a bike on the streets of Memphis. And Memphis drivers are the WORST about honking.

I feels ya.

twolf1920 said...

One of thse days...I mean this...I will shank one of those bastards..MARK MY WORDS...

jamwall said...

minneapolis tries to be kind to bike people, but we basically have crazy-ass drivers in this whole fucking state.

twolf1920 said...

Did you read the post about the crackheads? Its a little old-Thursday, September 22, 2005

Check it out!