So I am FINALLY getting my heart checked out!
Yup kids I FINALLY went to the doc to get checked out. I was getting bad heart palitations on the bike trail last summer, and they got worse over the winter since I gained back all the blubber. I did the EKG today, and it looked ok but TOMMOROW I get the vampires sucking out my blood THEN:
STUPID HUMAN TRICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) Heart Stress Test-See the monkey run on a treadmill. Run Monkeyboy RUN!!!
2) Holter Monitor-Monkey straps on wires and pushes a button when he gets out of breath...then it shortcircuits and SHOCKS THE MONKEY! (thats my tribute to Peter Gabriel!)
3) Monkey sees a dietician-A really thin sexy girl points at the fat ol monkey and tells him to stop eating his own poo (Thats junk food I mean...But poo was a funnier analogy)
4) Sleep Apnea Test-Zookeepers watch monkey snore and drool all over himself. (I hope monkeyboy doesn't have any sex dreams and says stuff like "Ohh BABY, you KNOW what I like" in his sleep. I bet if he does the zookeepers will be SURE to sell it on the internet for a nominal price)
God help me, this will truly suck!